As we journey together, a central focus is to Proclaim the Good News. SSPC offers the opportunity to worship together in a traditional, but informal and comfortable setting where the message of Grace and God’s abundant and overflowing love is present with us. “The Word of the Lord”. “Thanks be to God!”
Worship at SSPC takes place in a sanctuary which was built in the 70s after the church building burned to the ground in a startling early morning blaze. As you look around this space, the history of the church is evident in the articles built of wood from the ashes… communion table, pulpit, lectern, cross… The pipes of the Russell organ tower over the choir loft and provide an exquisite aura to our worship. The balcony provides an amazing view of all below and the acoustics are praised by many. The windows of the chancel open to a view of nature that changes with the seasons while the saints of the past rest silently.
Proclaiming the Good News is the cornerstone of our faith and of our worship experience. Our journey begins in worship and then is carried out into the world as Christ commanded. We hope you will come join us for worship at 10:00 am on Sunday mornings and at other special times throughout the year. Contributions and participation by all people of all ages are encouraged and celebrated and our young children always enjoy their special time with the pastor before going off to Junior Church for lessons, hymns and fellowship.
Sunday Morning Worship
Worship is at the heart of our congregation’s life together. Every Sunday morning throughout the year we gather in the sanctuary at 10 a.m. to sing, pray and listen to the word of God. The service is dignified and yet open to the movement of the Holy Spirit, enhanced by the congregational singing of great hymns from the Presbyterian tradition.
Children from preschool age through middle school begin worship with their families; then gather at the front of the church for the special Children’s Message—a child-friendly mini-sermon—before going to their Sunday School classes. While small children are welcome to stay throughout the worship hour, childcare is always available for infants and toddlers in our upstairs nursery.
We celebrate Holy Communion on the first Sunday of each month. All are welcome to join in this sacrament.
Sacrament of Baptism
Baptism of infants, older children and adults takes place throughout the year. Please contact the pastor for more information about baptism.
If you would like to donate flowers for the communion table in someone’s honor or in memory of a loved one, please write your name on the poster on the bulletin board in the vestibule. The cost is $25, payable to the Deacons Fund. You may also donate flowers from your garden. Just write your name on the poster and let the church office know so we can cancel our standing order that week.
Special Christmas Services
We have a Christmas Pageant (starring the youngest of our church family!) for families with children during Christmas week. On Christmas Eve we hold a candlelight communion worship, complete with traditional carols and festive music.
Special Easter and Lent Worship
A the beginning of lent, there is an Ash Wednesday service. On Maundy Thursday, we gather in the Fellowship Hall for a potluck supper at 6:30 p.m., followed by a worship service with Holy Communion.
Interfaith and Community Services
Because of the central location and community nature of the church, SSPC is a natural location for interfaith services. Following September 11, these services held at SSPC drew many from the community looking for comfort in the word of God and in the presence of friends. After the Haiti earthquake, members and friends of SSPC gathered in worship to assemble “Gift of the Heart” hygiene kits.Membership in our church
If you are seeking a church home in this community we invite you to commit your life to the Lord Jesus Christ in Christian discipleship and to become a member of this church. This is done by meeting with the Session to express your faith in Christ in one of the following ways:
By Profession of Faith – This means you receive Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord and sincerely promise to live for Him. Previous baptism is accounted valid or the Sacrament of Baptism may be administered at the time of profession.
By Transfer of Membership – Request the minister to write to your former church for a letter of transfer.
By Reaffirmation – If you have been inactive or separated from the Church for some time or wish to rededicate yourself, you may be received on reaffirmation of faith.